Nourishing Tips for Glowing Winter Skin


The cold weather outside can wreak havoc on your body and leave your skin feeling raw, dry, and red. In addition to that, indoor heat can strip away the moisture from your body leaving your skin with further damage. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep yourself hydrated and comfortable all season long to help prevent the development of dry, uncomfortable skin. Try some of the following tips to keep your skin glowing this winter:

1. Avoid super-hot or long showers

During the colder months, we tend to take longer baths and showers, which can lead to dehydrated skin. Hot water can make your skin very dry, it can also damage the surface of your skin, which can result in more serious ailments. One simple way to prevent this issue is to turn down the heat while bathing or showering and not staying in for too long.

2. Apply thicker moisturizer in the winter

When it’s cold outside, we usually layer up our clothes to protect ourselves from the harsh weather. However, we often forget to apply a thick moisturizer to keep our skin feeling fresh and hydrated. This is one of the best ways to prevent your skin from drying out due to the cold weather. A good alternative is to use a product that has a combination of natural and hyaluronic acid to keep your skin feeling hydrated.

3. Moisturize multiple times a day

Washing your hands is important, especially when the flu, COVID-19, and the common cold are at their peak. Doing so can help prevent the spread of germs. After each wash, apply hand cream to keep your hands soft and moisturized. You can also use cotton gloves to help absorb the cream. This will help keep the skin feeling fresh and hydrated.

4. Skip the toner

Some toners contain alcohol, and that can lead to dry skin. If you must use a toner, consider one without added alcohol because it’s good at controlling oily skin. When searching for a brand to buy, verify the main ingredients and ensure alcohol is not listed. Or swap your toner for a hydrating facial mist instead.

5. Exfoliate in moderation

Although it’s widely believed that it’s best to remove dead skin cells before winter sets in, experts say that it’s not the best idea. While exfoliating can help nourish and tone your skin and leave it looking fresh and glowing, doing it too much in the winter can irritate your skin. Most people agree that it’s fine to use a scrub up to once a week.

6. Humidify your home

During a colder winter season, the air outside tends to hold less water, which can lead to drier conditions. Having a humidifier in your home or office can help keep the air moist and your skin hydrated. You can keep your home or office’s humidity levels at around 30%-50% by running a humidifier throughout the house or in every room that you spend a lot of time in. One of the easiest ways to do this is to turn on the device while you’re sleeping. If you’re not sure about your home’s current humidity levels, you can use a humidity meter.

7. Drink water

It’s easy for people to get dehydrated during winter because they tend to drink too much coffee and not enough water. Without water, your skin becomes dull and dry, and even tighter. This can make your wrinkles stand out. Make sure to drink the required amount of water every day to stay hydrated, and your skin will thank you.