Natural Remedies for Gout


Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by high uric acid levels in the blood. At its worst, it can cause disabling pain, but many natural remedies can help manage symptoms and work to decrease uric acid levels. Gouty arthritis symptoms are more frequent in men, but it can still be found in women. Gout symptoms vary from person to person and from attack to attack, but it is not uncommon for severe attacks that can last for several days or weeks. Here are some remedies you may want to try to help decrease your uric acid levels:

1. Drinking plenty of water

Throughout the day drinking water is vital to help prevent gout attacks. You can help your body process uric acid if you drink lots of water and dilute it. Water helps flush uric acid from your system, so ensure you are drinking enough water throughout the day. In addition, many people with gout experience muscle cramping and pain if they do not drink plenty of water.

2. Apply ice

One of the most effective remedies for gout pain is to apply ice to the affected area. Ice can help to decrease the amount of swelling and inflammation, which will help ease the pain. Try placing an ice pack on the affected area to keep inflammation down and relieve some symptoms.

3. Reducing stress

Stress is a significant trigger for gout attacks. When you are stressed out, many chemicals are released into your system. These chemicals (i.e., cortisol) can increase uric acid levels in your body and cause symptoms such as pain, swelling, and joint discomfort. If you can find a way to keep stress levels down while still being productive, it will be easier to manage gout symptoms.

4. Turmeric

It contains a compound known as curcumin, which is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. This can be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from gout symptoms. It has been used for thousands of years in India and Asia for medicinal and culinary purposes.

5. Increase healthy fats in diet

If you have been struggling with gout symptoms, it may be time to eat foods high in healthy fats. Healthy fats can help lower uric acid levels in your body and decrease inflammation, which will help ease pain and prevent gout symptoms from occurring. Foods high in healthy fats include olive oil, fish oils, and avocado. You may also want to have some unsaturated fat in your diet.

6. Drinking coffee

If you struggle with gout symptoms, it may be time to start drinking coffee, if you don’t already. Coffee is a great way to provide caffeine, which can help reduce stress and also help increase the number of antioxidants in your system. Caffeine can also boost energy levels, and energy is another vital factor for those who struggle with gout.

7. Eating cherries

Cherries are the perfect fruit for those who have gout. They contain anthocyanins and other nutrients that can help to decrease inflammation, reduce uric acid levels, and even prevent gout attacks. Tart cherries are easy to eat raw on their own or in a healthy juice.

Gout is becoming more common in young people, especially those who consume diets rich in animal proteins (particularly red meat) and alcohol, or have a history of diabetes. However, you can successfully manage gout symptoms in many ways, so do not feel discouraged if you are on your way to better health. You can successfully manage this condition with suitable natural remedies for gout. If you are having problems with gout, speak with your doctor to get the proper treatment and help manage symptoms better.