Foods to Avoid With Gout


Gout is an ailment of both the joints and the kidneys, often accompanied by a build-up of uric acid. It is characterized by sudden, acute attacks that last from a few hours to days. Gout is most common in middle-aged males who are overweight or obese. These people may also suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition, gout has increased with certain medications and drugs, such as heart medicines and diuretics. The diet you eat also can play a part in gout attacks, so it’s important to avoid these foods:

1. Alcohol

Alcohol increases uric acid levels by increasing its production and reducing its breakdown. It also causes dehydration, making uric acid less soluble and more likely to crystallize in your joints. It also prevents the kidneys from working effectively.

2. Red meat and organ meats

Organ meats such as beef, lamb, and pork contain high levels of purines. Red meat contains a compound called heme iron, which is naturally present in red meat to carry oxygen for muscles. The body converts heme iron into another compound called bilirubin. Bilirubin is one of the most common causes of gout attacks, especially in those over 50 years old. These combined compounds make red meat the biggest culprit in causing gout attacks.

3. Seafood

Shellfish contain high levels of purines. Oysters and mussels contain a lot of this compound and are known to cause gout attacks. Mussels are one of the best-known sources of risk for gout, followed by scallops and oysters. Shellfish is also known to cause an increase in uric acid levels. Seafood can also cause kidney stones and blood in the urine. Seafood is also highly high in sodium, which reduces the body’s ability to produce urine.

4. Other High Purine Foods

High-purine vegetables and other foods include asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, beans, and peas. Foods such as lentils and legumes are high in protein but low in purine content. Yeast is also known to contain purines, although not in the same amounts as these other foods. Yeast, usually found in bread, cakes, and alcohol, is a common cause of gout attacks. These foods are especially dangerous for those who have gout or are at risk for an attack because of their anti-inflammatory properties. Caffeine has also been shown to increase uric acid levels by altering its breakdown in the body. It also increases dehydration as it inhibits the kidneys from working as well.

5. Sugary Drinks or Fructose

Always check the label of your sugary drinks to see if they contain fructose. Fructose, found in many foods high in sugar, causes gout attacks by increasing uric acid levels. Fructose increases uric acid levels by causing it to be absorbed into the blood by altering the gut flora (the bacteria that live in your digestive tract). HFCS, the common name for high fructose corn syrup, is the most common fructose added to sugary drinks since it dissolves easily and can be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream.