Early Warning Signs of Hepatitis C


Hepatitis C is a viral disease that may cause liver damage and liver failure. The virus is spread by contact with blood or other body fluids of someone who has hepatitis C; by sharing needles, syringes, or other drug paraphernalia; and through contact with the sexual organs of someone who has hepatitis C. Here are the early warning signs of hepatitis C that you need to look out for:

1. Fatigue

Because of your symptoms, you may not feel well or have enough energy to do basic daily tasks. You may feel the need to rest or nap frequently and be too tired to do the things you usually enjoy.

2. Sore muscles

Enlarged liver cells can create pressure in your liver and cause pain in your muscles. You may feel sore or stiff in your arms, shoulders, neck, and upper back. This pain may be dull but can be felt more sharply when moving.

3. Nausea

You may feel nauseated a lot of the time, and this may cause you to vomit more often. You may also have trouble sleeping because of your symptoms. There is a strong possibility that you will lose significant weight as well.

4. Joint pain

When you are sick with hepatitis C, you may experience pain in your joints. You may feel painful stiffness or ache in your shoulders, arms, legs, and hips. This pain may be sharp and intense in the mornings when you wake up.

5. Fever

You may feel feverish. Your temperature may go up during the day and may be accompanied by chills and sweating at night. You will probably feel extremely tired when you have a fever, which may make it hard to do your daily activities. This is a very important symptom to look out for.

6. Nausea or poor appetite

Nausea is another symptom that you may feel when you are sick with hepatitis C. You may feel nauseated for a long time or have trouble swallowing or digesting food. You may have an aversion to certain smells and tastes and feel better when you eat bland foods. It might be difficult for you to keep down any food when the infection starts, but as it becomes more severe, you will not be able to eat more than a small amount of bland food.

7. Stomach pain

You may feel pain in your lower stomach, especially at night. This pain is more like a throbbing and can come and go. This symptom is sometimes linked to an inflamed gallbladder.

8. Itchy skin

Skin that is itchy, especially in the armpits or groin area, may be a sign of an infection. You might also have small, red pimples on your face or neck. These pimples tend to burst and leave white patches on the skin. When the disease gets severe, these pimples may become larger and scaly.

9. Dark urine

Dark urine is another common symptom of hepatitis C. Your pee may smell sour and you may notice this when urinating. However, if the smell persists for more than 3 days, this could indicate Hepatitis B.

In conclusion, it is important to see your doctor if you have been experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above. Seek medical help even if you are not sure you are ill, as it is always better to be safe than sorry.