Human Foods to Avoid for Cats and Dogs


Our pets are skilled at begging for things they shouldn’t have, like human food, especially when they use those puppy dog eyes. While some might seem harmless, feeding them the foods we eat could trigger pet toxicity, increase their risk of certain diseases like feline diabetes, or even cause digestive issues and stomach upset. Knowing what to avoid is critical for a pet owner. Here are five human foods dog and cat owners should avoid:

1. Onions and garlic

While these vegetables might seem unassuming, they’re quite toxic to both cats and dogs alike. Onions and garlic as well as chives and leeks can cause a wide range of problems for our furry friends. Poisoning can cause gastroenteritis, damage red blood cells and induce anemia, and lead to circulatory problems and low blood pressure. Poisoning can occur over time or if your pet eats large quantities of foods from the allium family.

2. Raw Eggs and raw meat and bones

It’s important for pet owners to remember that the bulk of our food is sold as fit for human consumption. When given to pets, it can expose them to potential bacteria that can be deadly to them. An excellent example of this is raw eggs and raw meat and bones. All of these items can contain salmonella when not properly prepared. Should they be ingested by your pet, they may cause fatigue, bloody diarrhea and mucus, and fever. Salmonella can also be deadly to some cats and dogs.

3. Chocolate

Most dog owners are well-aware that their pup is not allowed to have any chocolate. But did you know that this extends to cats as well? These tasty human treats contain a compound called theobromine that’s toxic and deadly to both cats and dogs. Should your pet accidentally ingest any, they may exhibit symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, increased thirst, and increased urination. More severe symptoms can include muscle tremors, coma, and seizures.

4. Caffeine

Most people need a little pick-me-up in the morning, but the same can’t be said for dogs and cats. Caffeine toxicity can be severe should your pet manage to ingest large quantities of caffeinated beverages or even pills and supplements. Initial signs can include hyperactivity and an increased heart rate. However, it can quickly take a turn for the worst. Other symptoms of poisoning include cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure, vomiting, and diarrhea.

5. Grapes and raisins

Some fruits can be okay for your dog or cat in moderation. Others, however, should be avoided at all costs. Some fruits you may assume would not be a problem include grapes and raisins. Surprisingly, we’re still not quite sure why these fruits are toxic. Some believe it’s due to mycotoxin while others think it’s a naturally occurring substance in the grape or raisin itself. Regardless, ingestion can produce symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. Unlike some of the other items on this list, kidney failure is common in dogs and cats that don’t receive care quickly enough.

Human food can be tricky. Some food items are safe, but others can be hazardous. If you’re looking to learn more about which foods are dangerous for your dog and cat, start with the list above to gain insight into foods that should never be given as a treat or incorporated into your homemade dog and cat food.