5 Cities to Avoid With Breathing Issues


Most cities experience unhealthy air quality at some time. Still, these five cities have a higher percentage of days where the air quality is unhealthy, which can cause an array of symptoms for those who suffer from breathing difficulties or issues. They have been identified as having the worst air quality, especially if you or a loved one suffers from respiratory health issues. They are dangerous for those susceptible to respiratory diseases. It is important to avoid unnecessary air exposure in these five cities:

1. Springfield, MA

Springfield’s air quality index is ranked at a whopping 158, indicating that air particulate matter pollution is very unhealthy. This pollution often comes from wood burning, vehicles, and industrial sources. Pollution can cause various respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, asthma, and lung infections. In many cases, the symptoms of these diseases are very similar, and they can make it difficult to tell them apart. The best way to avoid respiratory issues is to prevent wood products, avoid all occupational exposure, and keep from exercising on non-exercising days.

2. Dayton, OH

Dayton has been working hard to improve its air quality, but it still has a long way to go. The primary pollutant in Dayton is automobiles, the largest polluters in the US. Many local organizations and governmental agencies are working to reduce this pollution; however, it will be some time before things start to look up for Dayton. Research shows that many Dayton residents also smoke. Smoking cigarettes can also cause an array of respiratory problems. If you are currently a smoker, you should look into quitting to avoid the long-term effects of smoking.

3. Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia gets a large amount of its power from sources like coal and oil, which aren’t very healthy for the environment. Philadelphia still has a long way to go to improve air quality, and those susceptible to respiratory diseases should make extra efforts to avoid pollution. Carbon monoxide is another big problem in Philadelphia and many other cities. If you are exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide, it can cause very harmful side effects. The weather is also a problem for breathing as pollutants get trapped in the air and can cause more health problems.

4. Cleveland, OH

Cleveland’s air quality is poor due to many auto factories. Other contributing factors include agriculture and coal power plants. This pollution can cause severe symptoms, including coughing, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations. Avoid excessive exposure to these pollutants and stay away from wood-burning heating systems.

5. Greensboro, NC

Knowing how outdoor air pollution affects your health is crucial if you want to stay healthy. The air in Greensboro, North Carolina, has been identified as one of the worst polluted cities in the entire country. This air pollution comes from a variety of sources such as smoking, factories, as well as other contributing factors. While local organizations and governmental agencies have addressed these health issues, there is still much to do to improve air quality in Greensboro.

If you want to avoid the five cities that have been identified as having the worst air quality and being dangerous for those who are susceptible to respiratory diseases, you need to stay away from these areas. The best way to avoid respiratory issues is to avoid all occupational exposure, and keep from exercising on non-exercising days. Avoiding unnecessary air exposure in these cities is vital.