Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is one of the predominant cancerous diseases in the United States. Even though the disease is treated at early stages, its signs and symptoms can sometimes be hard to distinguish from that of UTI. Prostate disease can cause certain abnormalities that should be a warning for you to seek a diagnosis from a urologist. This article highlights some of the early signs of the prostate cancer:

1. Burning or pain during urination

Burning or pain during urination is caused by a condition referred to as dysuria. The burning sensation is because of infections along the urinary tract. When you pee, the urine will try to pass through the infected urinary tract, thus causing the burning pain. Even though such symptoms are commonly associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs), they can also be a sign of prostate. Whenever burning affects urination, visit a doctor for a diagnosis.

2. Difficulty urinating

Difficulty urinating occurs when there is a malfunction in the nerves that control your bladder. Failure of the nerves can also be brought by other health conditions such as diabetes, stroke or pelvic injury, among others. Urinary retention can also be a sign of cancer disease. This condition is also known as urinary hesitancy, predominantly in older men. And in most cases, you may experience a slow or weak inconsistent urine flow.

3. Frequent urges to urinate at night

Sometimes, you may experience unintentional loss of urine, commonly known as urgency incontinence. Whenever there is a tumor growth, it eventually builds pressure on your bladder. Ideally, this pressure is best built at night when your body is relaxed. The pressure is then transferred to the urethra, thus the urge for endless urination. Although frequent urination urges can also be a sign of other urinary infections leading to bladder irritation, it is advisable to visit a urologist for a diagnosis of a cancer disease

4. Loss of bladder control

The inability to control your bowel can be a sign of prostate cancer. Of course, the condition can also be associated with old age and other health conditions. Urinary incontinence can be an early sign of a cancer disease and is preventable when detected during the developing stages. You are likely to experience loss of bladder control when coughing, sneezing, laughing, and lifting an object.

5. Blood in urine or semen

Blood in urine (known as hematuria) or semen is one of the signs of prostate cancer. In affected patients, the urine may appear pink, red, brownish-red, or tea-colored. Unfortunately, this condition occurs at an advanced stage of prostate cancer. Therefore, as soon as you notice this sign, seek immediate medical assistance. Blood in urine or semen may be impossible to identify with the naked eye, so you should visit the nearest health facility for a laboratory checkup. Kidney infections may also lead to blood in urine or semen.

Prostate cancer is common among males of advanced age. The disease can sometimes display signs similar to urinary tract infection conditions. Despite the similarities, an early or frequent cancer disease diagnosis can significantly help prevent cancer disease development. Therefore, always visit a doctor for diagnosis, especially when you experience any of the above signs.