7 Foods That Make Acid Reflux and Heartburn Worse


Acid reflux occurs when the food or drinks you’ve consumed come back up into the esophagus due to a relaxation of your lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which lets stomach acid rise. This condition is triggered by several factors, including food, the amount of food taken in a single meal, and your body position after a meal. You can manage acid reflux by regulating what you eat. Start by avoiding the following foods, as they only worsen acid reflux and heartburn:

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes and their products are laden with citric and malic acid that can cause an overproduction of gastric acid in the stomach. They can cause a significant rise in gastric acid levels to send it up the esophagus. Cooking tomatoes does not help minimize the acidity to avoid acid reflux.

2. Fried and fatty foods

A supersized serving of french fries or a big greasy burger before bed will lead to heartburn later. Late-night meals, large portions, and fatty foods usually affect many people with heartburn. It is common to have heartburn after consuming a large meal as the food stretches your stomach. Distention or stomach stretching pushes the LES to allow juices from your food to rise into the esophagus. If you constantly have heartburn, you should avoid fatty foods as they sit longer in your stomach, which leads to an overproduction of acid, thus irritating your digestive system. Greasy food also makes the LES lazy and relaxed, increasing the chances of your stomach contents returning up your throat.

3. Citrus fruits

Cutting back on or eliminating citrus fruits is necessary if you want relief from acid reflux. Fruits such as lemons, grapefruit, and oranges are acidic and exacerbate acid reflux symptoms because of their low pH. You can instead eat pineapple if you want something sweet and juicy, but take it in small amounts initially.

4. Chocolate

The main ingredient in chocolate, cocoa powder, is acidic and may increase your symptoms. Cocoa relaxes the intestinal cells, relaxing the esophageal sphincter to release a gush of serotonin. This muscle’s relaxation leads to a rise in gastric contents, which leads to a burning feeling in the esophagus. Also, it contains theobromine and caffeine, which are also heartburn triggers.

5. Garlic and onions

Garlic and onions are other foods you should eliminate if you suffer from acid reflux. Onions stimulate gastric acid as they prolong the time food stays in your stomach, which worsens belching and heartburn. Cooking the onions may sometimes be helpful but may not be sufficient to stop the overproduction of acid. Replace green onions with milder shallots instead.

6. Spicy foods

Spicy foods cause burning symptoms and abdominal pain if you have a gastrointestinal disorder. The chemical compound that adds spice to the food can irritate sections of your esophagus, resulting in acid reflux. It is safer to avoid spicy foods for people regularly experiencing acid reflux.

7. Caffeine

If you depend on a cup of coffee to start your day, the habit could cause your heartburn. It would be best to avoid other beverages containing caffeine, such as chocolate, caffeinated teas, and colas. Instead, substitute caffeinated beverages with decaffeinated varieties. Also, avoid high-fat coffee mixtures found at your local brew house as they contain extra fat, which triggers heartburn and acid reflux symptoms.