6 Effective Ways to Donate to Charity


There are many ways that you can give back to your community or on a broader scale. There are many types of charities and various causes, such as fundraisers for animal shelters, bake sales for schools, or research for cancer donations. Regardless of the cause, here are 6 effective ways you can donate to charity:

1. Participate in an a-thon

There are many different options when it comes to participating in events like these. Whether it’s a marathon or triathathon to raise money for diabetes or cancer research into incurable diseases or if it’s a bowlathon or dog walk to raise money for a local park to be built, participating in events like these are a great way to raise money with friendly competition. This type of event usually has a clear goal laid out that they are trying to reach, which can help participants feel a sense of accomplishment if the goal is met.

2. Give smaller monthly donations throughout the year

By donating the same amount you would spend on a cup of coffee each day you can make a difference in the lives of many different kinds of people depending on the cause. You don’t have to give a large amount of money to charity all at once. By giving small amounts over time that add up, you can donate in a more financially secure way.

3. Foster or volunteer your time

Many animal shelters have too many animals to care for in their facility so they rely on volunteers to foster the animals for them until they are adopted. If you have space in your house and time to be responsible for another life, then consider fostering a dog, cat, bird, or bunny. Fostering isn’t the only way to volunteer, however. Many charities and organizations are looking for volunteers to help them in various ways. You could volunteer to give out water at a marathon or to sort item donations for a women’s charity; the options are endless.

4. Crowdfund on social media

There are many different crowdfunding websites such as Kickstarter or Gofundme. These websites collect money for various causes such as personal crises that people are going through to research into different diseases. There are many different causes to pick from so make sure to do your research into the cause of your choice and make sure you know where exactly your money is going.

5. Donate food, a car, your hair, or clothing

Donating your time and money aren’t your only options, many different charities are looking for item donations. You could donate your hair to create wigs for cancer patients or donate food to a food bank. Women’s shelters, homeless shelters, and animal shelters all also accept item donations usually.

6. Be a charitable consumer

As consumers, we often get presented with opportunities to buy things where a portion or all of the proceeds go to charity. By buying things such as girl scout cookies, t-shirts, or baked goods at a bake sale you can give back to the community. Some stores also donate a portion of the money to a good cause, such as a pet store giving money to pet charities.